
I am sure that all of us, at least once in our lifetime, have looked up at the night sky and wondered what, truly, are the stars? It is a basic human tendency to wonder and the night sky always triggers that instinct. One interesting thing here is that the way we look at the night sky and perceive it has changed over the ages. During the early ages, we thought the sky to be a blanket covering the earth and the stars are patterns on it. As thoughts advanced with time, the stars became part of several cultural and religious practices. The movement of stars helped us find time and directions. These movements were well monitored and became milestones in their endless journey. After a point, we were able to predict the milestones ahead. Now, with the use of modern equipment and science, we have understood that stars are situated in different spaces in the universe. Most of us are aware that even though two stars appear close to each other in the sky, th...